Saturday, 15 July 2017

Forex Trading Formula Profit

Menghitung Keuntungan dan Kerugian Perdagangan Mata Uang Anda. Perdagangan berjangka menawarkan kesempatan yang menantang dan menguntungkan bagi investor terdidik. Namun, ini juga merupakan pasar yang berisiko. Dan para pedagang harus selalu waspada terhadap posisi dagang mereka. Kesuksesan atau kegagalan trader diukur. Dalam hal keuntungan dan kerugian PL pada perdagangannya Penting bagi trader untuk memiliki pemahaman yang jelas tentang PL mereka, karena secara langsung mempengaruhi keseimbangan margin yang mereka miliki di akun trading mereka Jika harga bergerak melawan Anda, margin balance Anda akan berkurang. , Dan Anda akan memiliki lebih sedikit uang yang tersedia untuk diperdagangkan. Realized dan Unrealized Profit and Loss Semua perdagangan valuta asing Anda akan ditandai ke pasar secara real-time Perhitungan mark-to-market menunjukkan PL yang belum direalisasikan dalam perdagangan Anda Istilah yang belum direalisasikan, di sini , Berarti bahwa perdagangan masih terbuka dan dapat ditutup oleh Anda setiap saat Nilai mark-to-market adalah nilai di mana Anda dapat menutup perdagangan Anda pada saat itu Jika Anda memiliki waktu yang lama Posisi perhitungan mark-to-market biasanya adalah harga di mana Anda bisa menjual Jika posisi pendek itu adalah harga di mana Anda bisa membeli untuk menutup posisi. Sampai posisi ditutup, PL akan tetap belum direalisasikan. Keuntungannya Atau kerugian direalisasikan menyadari PL ketika Anda menutup posisi perdagangan Bila Anda menutup suatu posisi, keuntungan atau kerugian direalisasikan Jika terjadi keuntungan, saldo margin meningkat, dan jika terjadi kerugian, nilainya menurun. Saldo margin di akun Anda akan selalu sama dengan jumlah setoran awal, menyadari PL dan PL yang belum direalisasi Karena PL yang belum direalisasi ditandai ke pasar, namun tetap berfluktuasi, karena harga perdagangan Anda terus berubah Karena ini, saldo margin Juga terus berubah terus-menerus. Mengkalkulasikan Profit dan Loss Perhitungan profit dan loss aktual dalam posisi cukup mudah. ​​Untuk menghitung PL dari posisi, yang anda butuhkan adalah ukuran posisi dan berapa pips harga yang telah digerakkan. Keuntungan atau kerugian tual akan sama dengan ukuran posisi dikalikan dengan pergerakan pip. Mari kita lihat sebuah contoh. Perhatikan bahwa Anda memiliki posisi 100.000 GBP USD saat ini diperdagangkan di 1.6240 Jika harga bergerak dari GBP USD 1 6240 sampai 1 6255 , Maka harga telah naik hingga 15 pips Untuk posisi 100.000 GBP USD, pergerakan 15 pips sama dengan USD 150 100.000 x 15. Untuk menentukan apakah itu keuntungan atau kerugian, kita perlu tahu apakah kita panjang atau pendek untuk masing-masing. Posisi trade. Long Jika posisi long, jika harga bergerak naik, maka akan menjadi keuntungan, dan jika harga turun maka akan rugi. Pada contoh kita sebelumnya, jika posisi long GBP USD, maka akan Menjadi keuntungan USD 150 Atau, jika harga turun dari GBP USD 1 6240 menjadi 1 6220, maka akan menjadi kerugian USD 200 100.000 x -0 0020.Short posisi Jika posisi pendek, jika harga bergerak naik , Itu akan menjadi kerugian, dan jika harga bergerak turun maka akan menjadi keuntungan. Dalam contoh yang sama, jika kita memiliki posisi GBP USD yang pendek, maka Dengan harga naik 15 pips, akan rugi sebesar USD 150 Jika harga turun 20 pips, itu akan menjadi keuntungan USD 200. Tabel berikut merangkum perhitungan kue, cookie, OANDA P L. OANDA Cookie cookie, cookie., EUR USD 0,9517 22, 10 000 EUR 0,9517.10 000 EUR 0,9517 9517,00 USD.10 000 EUR, 9517,00 USD. EUR USD EUR USD 0,9500 05 10 000 EUR 0 , 9505.10 000 EUR 0,9505 9 505,00 USD.10 000 EUR 9517 USD, 10 000 9505.9517,00-9505,00 12,00 USD, USD JPY 115,00 05 10 000 USD 115,05.10 000 USD 115, 05 1 150 500 JPY.10 000 USD, 1 150 500 JPY. USD JPY 114,45 50 10 000 USD 114,45.10 000 USD 114,45 1 144 500 JPY.10 000 USD 1 150 500 JPY, 10 000 USD 1 144 500 JPY 1 150 500-1 144 500 6000 JPY, JPY.6000 JPY 114,45 52,42 USD 6000 1 114,45 52,42.1996 2017 OANDA Corporation OANDA, fxTrade fx OANDA Corporation.- OANDA Europe Ltd,, 4 50 1.OANDA Europe Limited, 7110087, Menara 42, Lantai 9a, 25 Old Broad St, London EC2N 1HQ 542574.OANDA Japan Co Ltd Kanto Biro Keuangan Lokal Kin-sho , 2137, 1571. Mengkalkulasikan Keuntungan Trading Pasar Forex Kerugian. Berapa banyak yang bisa Anda lakukan atau kehilangan trading Forex. Untuk kemudahan penggunaan, platform perdagangan online kita secara otomatis menghitung posisi trader dari posisi terbuka. Namun, sangat berguna untuk memahami bagaimana perhitungan ini. Diturunkan. Untuk mengilustrasikan perdagangan FX yang khas, pertimbangkan contoh berikut. Tawaran penawaran saat ini untuk harga USD CHF adalah 1 2622 1 2627, artinya Anda bisa membeli 1 US untuk 1 2627 Swiss Franc atau menjual 1 US untuk 1 2622. Putuskan bahwa USD Dolar AS undervalued terhadap Franc Swiss CHF Untuk menjalankan strategi ini, Anda akan membeli Dolar secara bersamaan dengan menjual Franc, dan kemudian menunggu nilai tukar naik. Jadi, Anda melakukan pembelian dengan harga 100.000 dolar AS dan menjual 126.270 Francs Ingat, Pada margin 1, margin awal Anda akan menjadi 1.000. Tidak ada yang diharapkan, tingkat USDCHF turun menjadi 1 2602 07 Anda memutuskan untuk mengambil perdagangan ini sebagai kerugian yang terealisasi, menutup pesanan ini, dan menjual 1 AS untuk 1 2602 franc. Dolar panjang Dan franc pendek, Anda sekarang harus menjual dolar dan membeli kembali franc. Anda menjual 100.000 dolar AS dengan kurs USDCHF saat ini 1 2602, dan menerima 126.020 CHF Sejak Anda semula menjual 126.270, rugi bersih Anda adalah 250 CHF. Untuk menghitung hutang Anda Kerugian yang direalisasikan dalam bentuk dolar AS, cukup membagi 250 dengan tingkat USD CHF saat ini 1 2602.Total kerugian 198 38 atau 25 pip loss pada transaksi ini. Mambil keputusan yang baik dalam perdagangan Forex melibatkan memaksimalkan keuntungan sambil meminimalkan kerugian Meskipun, risiko selalu Kemungkinan Model kerugian keuntungan di atas adalah perhitungan yang mudah digunakan yang dapat diterapkan pada pasangan mata uang manapun setelah nilai tukar diketahui. Meskipun contoh di atas menggunakan dolar AS versus franc Swiss, pasangan mata uang dapat digunakan untuk membuat perhitungan dasar keuntungan. Dan kerugian dalam perdagangan FX Pasangan mata uang yang lebih likuid dan sangat diperdagangkan mungkin memiliki spread yang lebih ketat dan volume yang lebih banyak, yang juga harus dipertimbangkan sebelum menjalankan strategi perdagangan Anda dapat memilih untuk menggunakan analisis teknis dan kesenangan. Analisis fundamental untuk membantu membuat keputusan perdagangan menggunakan indikator ekonomi yang relevan untuk mata uang dasar dan mata uang Pelajari bagaimana pedagang FXDD membuat strategi perdagangan atau membaca blog Forex kami untuk berita FX.2017 FXDD, Newport Tower, 525 Washington Blvd 1405, Jersey City, NJ 07310.HIGH PERINGATAN RISIKO Perdagangan valuta asing membawa tingkat risiko tinggi yang mungkin tidak sesuai untuk semua investor. Leverage menciptakan eksposur risiko dan kerugian tambahan Sebelum memutuskan untuk melakukan perdagangan valuta asing, pertimbangkan dengan hati-hati tujuan investasi, tingkat pengalaman, dan toleransi risiko Anda bisa kehilangan beberapa Atau semua investasi awal Anda tidak menginvestasikan uang yang tidak dapat Anda habiskan untuk mendidik diri sendiri mengenai risiko yang terkait dengan perdagangan valuta asing, dan meminta saran dari penasihat keuangan atau pajak independen jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan. ADVISORY WARNING FXDD menyediakan referensi dan tautan Ke blog yang dipilih dan sumber informasi ekonomi dan pasar lainnya sebagai layanan pendidikan untuk kliennya dan hal Rospects dan tidak mendukung pendapat atau rekomendasi dari blog atau sumber informasi lainnya Klien dan prospek disarankan untuk mempertimbangkan dengan saksama pendapat dan analisis yang ditawarkan di blog atau sumber informasi lainnya dalam konteks analisis individual klien atau calon pelanggan. Membuat Tak satu pun dari blog atau sumber informasi lainnya harus dianggap sebagai rekam jejak Kinerja masa lalu tidak menjamin hasil masa depan dan FXDD secara khusus menyarankan klien dan prospek untuk meninjau kembali semua klaim dan representasi yang dibuat oleh penasehat, blogger, pengelola uang dan Vendor sistem sebelum menginvestasikan dana atau membuka rekening dengan agen Forex Setiap berita, pendapat, penelitian, data, atau informasi lain yang terdapat dalam situs web ini disediakan sebagai komentar pasar umum dan bukan merupakan saran investasi atau perdagangan FXDD secara tegas menolak tanggung jawab apapun untuk Setiap kehilangan pokok atau keuntungan tanpa batasan yang mungkin timbul d Secara tidak langsung atau tidak langsung dari penggunaan atau kepercayaan pada informasi tersebut Seperti semua layanan penasehat lainnya, hasil masa lalu tidak pernah menjamin hasil masa depan. Expand untuk data realtime. Forex Profit Formula. Finally Anda dapat menukar Forex dengan percaya diri. Sangat Akurat Forex Sistem Perdagangan Memberi Tahu Anda PERSIS Ketika Memasuki dan Saat Keluar dari Pasar untuk Keuntungan Maksimum. Mengupitalisasi Sinyal Perdagangan Forex Menguntungkan Anda Sendiri Dalam 24 Jam Bahkan Jika Anda Pernah Tidak Pernah Memperdagangkan Sebelum. Dari Meja Jason Fielder. Dalam 12 menit ini akan membawa Anda Untuk membaca surat ini, saya akan menunjukkan kepada Anda bagaimana mungkin menghasilkan lebih banyak uang daripada kebanyakan dokter dan pengacara yang memperdagangkan mata uang dari rumah. Saya akan menjadi orang pertama yang mengakui bahwa saya tidak mengetahui keadaan Anda yang sesungguhnya. Mungkin Anda kembali pada tingkat tinggi. Eksekutif atau profesional seperti dokter atau pengacara Anda membuat hidup yang menyenangkan, tapi Anda harus bekerja keras untuk itu sehingga hanya istri dan anak-anak Anda yang benar-benar dapat menikmatinya saat mereka tidak merindukan Anda, tentu saja Anda kembali mencari jalan keluar , Tapi bukan sesuatu yang akan mengharuskan Anda untuk meninggalkan pekerjaan Anda atau membuat karir besar bergerak dengan benar. Atau mungkin Anda sudah pensiun tapi Anda ingin memiliki kontrol lebih besar atas keuangan Anda. Anda tidak keberatan meninggalkan uang Anda yang serius di tangan Seorang broker terpercaya atau perencana keuangan, tapi jauh di lubuk hati Anda tahu keuntungan yang lebih besar tersedia di luar pasar saham dan obligasi dan Anda menginginkan sebuah tindakan. Kemudian lagi, Anda bisa menjadi Joe yang rata-rata bekerja seperti saya. Anda membuat yang layak. - Pendapatan yang lumayan, tapi Anda tahu pensiun masih merupakan impian yang jauh. Anda juga tahu bahwa semua pekerjaan dari penipuan rumah hanyalah penipuan - dan Anda kembali mencari cara yang sah untuk menghasilkan penghasilan tambahan tanpa mengurangi waktu luang. Yang Anda miliki. Apapun situasi Anda, ada solusi Ada jalan keluar. Saya menyadari bahwa semua ini mungkin tampak terlalu bagus untuk menjadi kenyataan, tapi saya berjanji bahwa ini bekerja seperti saya m menggambarkannya, saya tahu, karena saya m hidup Bukti itu. Nama saya Jason Fiel Der dan. Anda tidak pernah mendengar tentang saya. Anda lihat, saya tidak pernah merasa nyaman dalam sorotan dan dengan sengaja tetap berada di bawah tanah untuk bagian karir saya yang lebih baik. Saya tidak dapat menulis buku. Saya tidak mencoba untuk melanjutkan CNBC, dan saya tidak pergi dari kota ke kota dengan melakukan pertunjukan anjing dan kuda. Jadi saya bisa menjual kamar penuh dengan orang-orang perangkat lunak kotak hitam dan mahal saya yang mahal, yang berisi omong kosong, yang seharusnya menunjukkan Anda. Pedagang pertama dan terdepan adalah apa yang saya cintai, dan perdagangan adalah apa yang saya lakukan sebagai sebuah profesi. Tapi itu tidak selalu terjadi. Pada tahun 2004 saya memiliki pekerjaan yang Membayar saya satu-satunya masalah Apakah saya membenci hidup saya. Saya telah mempelajari pasar keuangan selama 18 tahun terakhir dan telah menjadi trader Forex aktif selama 10 tahun terakhir. Tetapi pada tahun 2006 saya menjadi seorang trader profesional penuh waktu. Anda lihat, kapanpun saya memiliki apa Sebagian besar akan menganggapnya sebagai pekerjaan yang bagus, saya menghasilkan uang yang sangat bagus dan harus menempuh perjalanan cukup sedikit. Satu-satunya masalah adalah, saya tidak punya waktu untuk menikmatinya. Hidup saya l Ost semua keseimbangan. Aku terus-menerus sakit karena kurang tidur dan over-work dan mengambil hari sakit TIDAK pilihan. Aku hampir tidak melihat keluarga saya karena saya keluar dari pintu sebelum mereka bangun dan tidak pulang sampai sebagian besar Mereka berada di tempat tidur. Teman-teman saya bahkan tidak mau lagi menelepon lagi karena mereka tahu saya tidak bisa pergi keluar. Semuanya yang saya lakukan adalah pekerjaan Mungkin Anda bisa berhubungan. Dan untuk semua yang saya tahu, semuanya akan tetap seperti itu. Terbangun suatu malam dengan rasa sakit yang tajam di dadaku. Aku tidak pernah begitu takut dalam semua hidupku. Aku memikirkan hatiku adalah tentang berhenti. Ini adalah salah satu malam yang tidak kuinginkan pada musuh terburukku. Aku tidak pernah memiliki Sebuah serangan jantung terima kasih Tuhan, tapi dari semua yang telah saya baca dan saya dengar rasanya seperti berada di tempat tidur saya sendiri, dengan istri saya masih tertidur di samping saya Sudah bertahun-tahun saya pernah ke dokter, tapi bahkan Saya tahu ini bukan hal yang bisa diabaikan. Saya bergegas ke ruang gawat darurat dan segera diyakinkan Untungnya, ketakutan saya berubah menjadi ou. Aku tidak akan lebih dari sekadar acid reflux yang disebabkan oleh stres apa lagi. Aku meninggalkan rumah sakit dengan bersyukur bahwa hatiku masih terus berdetak, tapi dalam perjalanan pulang istriku mengatakan sesuatu yang tidak akan pernah kulupakan. Dia berkata. Apakah akan beres Serangan jantung untuk benar-benar membuat Anda melambat. Dia telah mengatakan hal-hal seperti ini di masa lalu tapi kali ini benar-benar memukul saya. Tidak ada cahaya di ujung terowongan untuk saya tidak dalam waktu dekat setidaknya kecuali jika saya melakukan sesuatu untuk diubah Itu, ini akan menjadi hidupku 20, mungkin bahkan 30 tahun dengan asumsi tubuhku tidak memberikannya sebelum waktu itu.20 30 tahun itu hanyalah sebuah harga yang tidak mau saya bayar. Jadi, Senin Berikutnya, Aku Melakukan Sesuatu yang Paling Populer. Punya Kesabaran untuk Dilakukan. Saya Keluar dari Pekerjaan Saya. Berikutnya untuk serangan jantung psuedo saya, ini mungkin adalah hal paling menakutkan yang pernah saya lakukan dalam hidup saya. Toh, orang tolol macam apa yang akan meninggalkan karier 6 digit yang aman dan aman. Jenis hal. Simple Seseorang dengan pilihan Dan untungnya, berkat perdagangan mata uang, saya memang punya pilihan. BELAKANG saya tidak Mengatakan bahwa Anda harus keluar dari pekerjaan Anda seperti yang saya lakukan lagi, saya tidak sepenuhnya menyadari keadaan pribadi Anda Apa yang saya katakan, bagaimanapun, adalah bahwa Anda HARUS memiliki pilihan jika hidup mengambil giliran yang tidak Anda harapkan. Pikiran bahwa pada saat ini dalam hidup saya, saya telah berdagang paruh waktu selama lebih dari 15 tahun, saya memotong gigi saya di pasar saham, kemudian beralih ke komoditas, futures dan mata uang lainnya. Pada waktu itu, saya telah menemukan bahwa bisul trading yang sukses. Turun ke dua hal. Menguasai kepribadian pasar yang sedang Anda trading. Mengetahui apa yang membuat mereka bergerak. Saya telah menghabiskan lebih banyak waktu daripada yang dapat saya hitung dalam usaha ini. Saat berada di jalan yang hampir selalu ada waktu luang yang saya miliki. Dihabiskan untuk meninjau grafik, menganalisis data dan mengembangkan sistem perdagangan yang menguntungkan. Dan ternyata, saya memiliki cukup bakat untuk itu. Bagaimana Melihat Pola Bagan Menarik Laba. Saat Orang Lain Lihat Garis Squigly. Beri tahu saya untuk membual hanya dengan Sebentar, akankah kamu. Pernahkah kamu se En film Good Will Hunting atau A Beautiful Mind. Well bahwa ain t me. You melihat, sementara saya ingin dapat memberitahu Anda bahwa saya semacam jenius matematika yang melihat pola di pasar yang hanya manusia rindu, itu Tidak apa-apa Sebenarnya saya sedikit disleksia dan saya hampir gagal matematika dua kali sekali di sekolah menengah dan lagi di perguruan tinggi. Jadi, jika saya bukan Albert Einstein atau Stephen Hawking generasi kita, maka bagaimana saya dapat melihat Pada bagan seperti di bawah dan tahu bahwa saya harus menjual GBP GBP pada pembukaan bar berikutnya. Saya telah melakukan penelitian, saya telah menjalankan angka, dan saya telah LIVE-TRADED sistem khusus ini cukup lama untuk Tahu bahwa saya akan benar kali lebih dari saya salah Dalam hal ini saya tahu saya akan benar sekitar 9 kali dari 10.And selama saya insinyur perdagangan saya sehingga saya. Keuntungan jangka panjang adalah sebuah kepastian dekat. Admittedly Saya terlalu menyederhanakan hal-hal dan membuat mereka terdengar jauh lebih mudah daripada kenyataannya Sebenarnya, mata uang perdagangan tidak mudah, dan Itu bukan hal yang ingin Anda pelajari dengan melakukan itu. Itulah mengapa saya memutuskan untuk berbagi semua hal yang saya ketahui tentang perdagangan mata uang di Forex dengan Anda. Jadi Mengapa Saya Membagikan Sistem Perdagangan Mata Uang Terbaik dengan Publik. Untuk Waktu terpanjang saya hanya menukar sistem ini dengan akun saya sendiri Bukan karena saya tidak mau berbagi rahasia, hanya saja saya tidak pernah benar-benar melihat maksud saya sebagai pedagang, bukan pemasar dan saya bahagia menghasilkan uang hanya MELAKUKAN bukan TEACHING. But dalam 2-3 tahun terakhir semuanya berubah. Sebelum tahun 2007, hanya ada sedikit informasi mengenai perdagangan mata uang di Bursa Forex dan perdagangan komoditas telah populer selama beberapa dekade, namun Forex tetap berada dalam ketidakjelasan relatif. Namun karena beberapa alasan , Forex telah didorong ke depan dan sekarang di mana-mana Anda melihatnya FOREX, FOREX, FOREX Sebenarnya, mungkin itulah sebabnya Anda berakhir di halaman web ini. Setiap saat saya berpaling, ada seorang guru forex lain yang menggembar-gemborkan sistem yang seharusnya terbukti Itu g Uaranteed untuk membuat Anda 30 40 bahkan 100 kembali setiap BULAN Itu sepertinya sedikit peregangan bagi saya, tapi saya pikir saya membelinya dan memeriksanya. Dan Anda tahu apa yang saya temukan mengisapnya. Informasi itu salah, tidak lengkap, Atau itu hanya re-hash strategi perdagangan dasar yang telah ada di pasar saham dan komoditas Tidak ada yang bahkan mengujinya untuk memastikan strategi tersebut benar-benar diterapkan di Forex. Tapi saya sama sekali tidak kehilangan hati saya membeli satu demi satu , Setiap kali berharap aku akan belajar sesuatu yang berharga Setiap saat, bagaimanapun, aku kecewa. Semua Program Lainnya Sucked. Tolong katakan dengan baik, aku sudah cukup. Saat itulah aku memutuskan untuk menerbitkan Formula Laba Forexku. Saya ingin menawarkan Sebuah alternatif untuk semua kebohongan dan penipuan yang dijual di Internet. Saya ingin menawarkan SESUATU YANG SEBENARNYA BEKERJA sesuatu yang terbukti selama bertahun-tahun pengujian di dunia nyata dan bukan hanya hipotesis teori yang oleh beberapa guru wannabee harus bekerja. Apa yang saya lakukan Kemaslah Tiga Sistem Perdagangan Forex Terbaik Saya Jadi Satu Paket Jadi Anda Bisa Memulai. Sistem-sistem ini tidak memiliki teori atau gagasan bagus yang menurut saya harus bekerja. Ini adalah sistem TRADING yang teruji dan teruji yang berhasil. Dan ketika saya mengatakan bahwa sistem perdagangan berarti Datanglah dengan peraturan yang sangat spesifik seperti. KERJA PASAL Anda harus berdagang. Anda harus masuk ke dalam perdagangan. Anda harus keluar dari perdagangan. DI SINI Anda harus menempatkan pemberhentian Anda sehingga Anda dapat melindungi diri sendiri jika hal-hal tidak berjalan sesuai keinginan Anda. Anda harus tahu sekarang bahwa kadang-kadang mereka tidak melakukannya. Singkatnya, tidak ada ruang untuk kesalahan karena saya menunjukkan kepada Anda PERSIS bagaimana Anda perlu melakukan perdagangan jika Anda ingin menghasilkan uang. Saya tidak peduli seberapa hijau Anda setelah Anda melewati Formula Keuntungan Forex Anda akan tahu bagaimana memperdagangkan mata uang. Dan berikut ini persis bagaimana Anda akan melakukannya. Rahasia Untuk Mendapatkan Keuntungan di Market. Ask Setiap pedagang profesional dan mereka akan memberi tahu Anda bahwa pasar hanya bergerak dalam satu dari tiga cara. Untuk berhasil menukar Forex atau pasar apapun dalam hal ini, yo Anda harus dapat keuntungan di KEDUA naik turun pasar dan MENGHINDARI pasar menyamping sama sekali Itu persis seperti apa tiga sistem perdagangan berpemilik dalam Formula Keuntungan Forex saya memungkinkan Anda melakukannya. Berikut adalah bagaimana setiap sistem bekerja. Sistem 1 Gap Trade the Forex. Bagaimana jika saya mengatakan kepada Anda bahwa hari Minggu ini ketika pasar dibuka kembali, Anda memiliki kesempatan untuk melakukan perdagangan yang selama 9 tahun terakhir telah sangat akurat hampir tanpa brainer. Metode perdagangan ini dikenal dengan Gap Trading, Dan selama beberapa dasawarsa, para pedagang telah menggunakan gap untuk memprediksi secara akurat pergerakan jangka pendek di hampir setiap pasar dari saham ke mata uang. Tidak Ada celah tidak lebih dari perubahan tingkat harga antara. Tutup dan buka dua bar berturut-turut pada bagan Anda. Dapat melihat contoh dari salah satu celah di bawah ini. Meskipun jarang terjadi, celah di pasar Forex memang terjadi. Sebenarnya, di antara keempat pasang mata uang yang saya gunakan menggunakan sistem ini, saya akan memiliki sekitar 50 atau 60 perdagangan setahun sehingga kira-kira satu Per minggu. Itu mungkin tidak terdengar l Banyak, tapi ketika Anda benar persentase yang tinggi dari waktu yang Anda tidak memerlukan banyak uang untuk menghasilkan banyak uang. Ketika salah satu celah ini terjadi, sinyal ini sangat akurat sehingga pasangan mata uang tersebut akan Arah sebaliknya Dengan kata lain, jika harga selisihnya seperti pada contoh di bawah ini, Anda pasti ingin menjualnya pendek Jika harganya turun, Anda pasti ingin pergi lama. Saya sadar itu mungkin terdengar kontra intuitif, tapi dengan bertaruh melawan kesenjangan Anda akan benar 9 kali dari 10 Dan saya tidak tahu tentang Anda, tapi itu terdengar seperti pertaruhan yang cukup aman untuk saya. Membungkus kesenjangan di pasar Forex sangat mudah begitu Anda tahu bagaimana, dan laporan saya, Gap Trading the Forex yang Termasuk dalam sistem Formula Profit Forex, akan memberi tahu Anda dengan tepat bagaimana hal itu dilakukan. Tetapi, jelaslah bahwa kesenjangan perdagangan bukanlah satu-satunya cara untuk menghasilkan uang di Forex. Saya telah menemukan metode lain yang berpotensi menjadi lebih menguntungkan. Sistem 2 Mata Uang Breakout Formula. Bayangkan bagaimana rasanya menerima memo pribadi 48 sampai 72 jam Sebelum pasangan mata uang utama mengalami pelarian Apakah menurut Anda Anda bisa mendapatkan keuntungan dari informasi seperti itu. PERILAKU Pelarian adalah ketika nilai mata uang cepat melonjak ke yang baru. Tinggi atau jatuh ke tingkat rendah yang baru, menciptakan jendela peluang di mana keuntungan besar dapat dicapai. Tercapai. Sementara saya tidak bisa menjanjikan bahwa pasangan itu sendiri akan menelepon dan memberi tahu Anda, saya dapat menunjukkan kepada Anda pola bagan yang saya temukan yang sangat akurat dalam memprediksi jerawat utama yang akan Anda rasakan seperti bola kristal Anda sendiri. Tapi ini lebih dari sekedar sistem deteksi pelarian Pola ini juga dapat membantu Anda menentukannya. Sebelum pelarian terjadi, Anda bisa mengatur perdagangan Anda secara harfiah, berjalan pergi dan check-in nanti untuk melihat berapa banyak uang yang telah Anda hasilkan. Tidak ada yang menganalisis Bagan berjam-jam untuk menemukan pola yang sempurna. Tidak ada lagi yang terjun ke jerawat besar pada saat terakhir ketika terlambat dan semua keuntungan hilang, dan. Tidak ada yang menebak kapan Anda harus keluar dari perdagangan. Begitu Anda menemukan Rahasia ini Pola, akhirnya Anda bisa bertransaksi dengan percaya diri, lebih bersenang-senang, dan melihat KEUNTUNGAN NYATA di akun Anda Misalnya, melihat grafik di bawah ini, apakah Anda akan tahu langkah selanjutnya Anda. Dengan menggunakan pola Pivot Reversal Anda akan belajar Dalam laporan ini, saya benar-benar bisa mengatakan dalam hitungan detik PERSIS dimana saya harus menempatkan entri saya, keluar dan berhenti loss. It s tidak sihir atau voodoo pola grafik mengatakan kepada saya apa yang akan terjadi sehari sebelumnya jadi saya memiliki lebih dari cukup Waktu untuk bereaksi. Jika semua ini masih tampak membingungkan bagi Anda atau jika Anda tidak dapat melihat pola bagan yang saya maksud, jangan khawatir saya menjelaskan strategi trading ini dalam sebuah laporan khusus, Formula Pelarian Mata Uang Cara Memprediksi Breakouts di Pasar Forex Hari Sebelum Mereka Sebenarnya Terjadi. Dan yang terbaik dari semuanya, Anda juga akan menerima laporan ini sebagai bagian dari Formula Laba Forex saya. Sistem 3 Mega Market Movers. Dalam waktu kurang dari 30 hari, pemerintah AS akan merilis sebuah laporan yang dapat menghasilkan beberapa Pedagang sangat kaya sangat cepat. Tapi aku mu Peringatkan Anda Strategi perdagangan ini bukan untuk menjadi lemah hati. Sebenarnya, saya tahu banyak manajer investasi yang berencana untuk berhenti menukar akun mereka sama sekali saat pengumuman ini terjadi, karena mereka takut akan apa yang dapat dilakukannya terhadap portofolio yang tidak dilindungi. Seperti Anda Tahu, pengembalian yang tinggi tidak akan datang tanpa risiko yang cukup, tapi selama Anda mau menerima sebagian dari risiko itu, maka Anda memiliki apa yang diperlukan untuk menjadi bagian dari lingkaran batin ini. Inilah yang saya maksud. Pengumuman seperti Salah satu yang terjadi bulan depan tidak benar. Sebenarnya, pemerintah di seluruh dunia secara teratur menerbitkan laporan ekonomi dan berita keuangan lainnya yang The Street gunakan untuk menentukan kekuatan atau kelemahan ekonomi negara tertentu. Dan sementara sebagian besar pengumuman ini adalah Cukup jinak, beberapa dari mereka dan satu secara khusus yang akan Anda pelajari di Forex Profit Formula dapat secara drastis mempengaruhi nilai pasangan mata uang tertentu dalam waktu SANGAT singkat Seperti yang Anda bayangkan, ayunan harga ini Ciptakan FEENING FRENZY untuk trader yang ingin di aksi. Sebenarnya, salah satu kegilaan makan seperti itu terjadi kembali di bulan Juni. Lihatlah hasilnya. Bergerak seperti ini telah terjadi sebelumnya, dan mereka AKAN terjadi lagi Sejauh ini yang terbesar yang pernah saya alami. Secara pribadi menyaksikan perpindahan 104 pip di bawah 3 menit. Dan yang berikutnya kurang dari 30 hari lagi. Jelas jika Anda kembali di sisi kanan salah satu gerakan mega ini, potensi keuntungannya BESAR Terutama saat Anda mempertimbangkan ultra - Jika Anda berada di sisi yang salah, bagaimanapun, bisa membawa Anda berbulan-bulan atau bahkan bertahun-tahun untuk pulih. Itulah mengapa penting bagi Anda.1 Ketahui apa pengumuman dan acara berita yang Anda inginkan. Perlukan dan mana yang harus Anda lakukan. Hindari, PLUS.2 Ketahui cara memasang perdagangan sehingga Anda tidak mendapatkan keuntungan. Saya harap Anda menangkap hal terakhir karena ini adalah masalah besar. Anda lihat, banyak orang yang mencoba menukar acara berita ini mengira Anda perlu secara akurat. Memprediksi bagaimana berita akan diterima sebelum Anda dapat menempatkan perdagangan Anda Biarkan saya tel Jika Anda ingin memainkan permainan ini untuk menang, maka Anda perlu terlebih dahulu mempelajari peraturan. Di sinilah laporan penelitian mendalam saya berguna. Ini disebut Mega Market Movers Cara Laba di Kecepatan Berita dan di dalamnya saya profil para penggerak pasar terbesar dari semua dan bagaimana menukarkannya tanpa kehilangan kemeja Anda. Kesempatan trading ini terjadi awal bulan depan, dan jika Anda ingin siap pada waktunya Anda perlu bertindak cepat. Jadi, mari Saya menunjukkan kepada Anda bagaimana Anda bisa mendapatkan AKSES INSTAN ke laporan ini dan seluruh Formula Keuntungan Forex sekarang. Kit Formula Keuntungan Forex Datang Dengan Semua yang Anda Butuhkan. Biasanya setiap sistem perdagangan terjual dengan sendirinya untuk 197, tapi Anda bisa mendapatkan ketiganya 3 PLUS the Forex Profit Formula manual untuk biaya hanya satu dari sistem 197.Look Over My Shoulder dan Lihat dengan Tepat Bagaimana Saya m Trading Sistem Ini Setiap Hari Setiap Hari. Sebagai bonus tambahan, saya juga akan memberi Anda akses gratis untuk 30 hari ke layanan Forex Profit Alert. Forex Profit Alert adalah Anda R untuk melihat dari balik bahuku dan melihat secara persis bagaimana saya menukar setiap sistem dalam Formula Laba Forex yang saya bicarakan secara rinci seperti.1 Pasangan atau pasangan apa yang akan saya beli atau kekurangan.2 Ketika saya berencana membelinya, dan . Semua dijelaskan dalam video live-action dan dikirim ke kotak masuk email Anda pada hari Minggu Kamis CATATAN Peringatan Celah terjadi pada hari Minggu sehingga Anda akan ingin memberi perhatian khusus kepada orang tersebut. Dan jika saya tidak melakukan langkah untuk hari tertentu dan akan ada Jadilah beberapa hari ketika saya tidak melakukannya, saya akan memberitahu Anda mengapa Anda tidak pernah pergi dalam kegelapan dan yang terbaik dari semuanya, Anda akhirnya akan memiliki kepercayaan diri untuk menarik pemicu dan mulai mendapatkan penghasilan yang layak Anda dapatkan. Semua ketakutan akan dihapus karena Anda mendapatkan Untuk memeriksa kembali sinyal yang dihasilkan sistem Formula Profit Forex saya untuk Anda melawan perdagangan sebenarnya yang saya lakukan. Ini adalah jalan pintas utama menuju kesuksesan trading Forex karena Anda bisa belajar dengan melakukan sementara Anda melihat dari balik bahu saya pada apa yang saya Perdagangan. Cobalah Segalanya Dan Lihat Untuk Diri Sendiri Forex Profit Alert saya biasanya membutuhkan investasi tahun 1997 untuk tahun ini atau 297 bulan Tapi dalam upaya untuk meningkatkan basis pelanggan saya, saya akan mengembalikan Program Keanggotaan Piagam untuk 500 trader berikutnya. Begini cara kerjanya. Dengan mendaftar hari ini , Anda akan menerima ketiga sistem perdagangan di Formula Profit Forex saya. Forex Gap Trading Strategi Perdagangan yang Terlupakan yang Mengejutkan jumlah yang mengejutkan dari Time. Currency Breakout Formula Cara Memrediksi Breakouts di Hari Pasar Forex Sebelum Mereka Sebenarnya Terjadi. Mega Market Movers Cara Laba pada Kecepatan Berita. PLUS Formula Keuntungan Forex 77 halaman Memulai manual. untuk hanya 197 100 off. 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I juga akan memasukkan keanggotaan 12 bulan ke Forex Profit Alerts Forex Profit Alerts adalah jalur perdagangan Forex Anda Anda tidak hanya akan Memiliki akses ke Laporan Lab Perdagangan bulanan saya yang bernilai investasi di layanan Forex Profit Alert saya, Anda juga akan memiliki akses ke ME dan juga pedagang aktif lainnya yang sukses. Berikut adalah pandangan di dalam Forex Profit Alerts. Berikut adalah beberapa Manfaat berharga yang telah diterima oleh anggota klub saat ini. Laporan Lab Trading Bulanan Laporan video ini dikirim sebulan sekali, dan di setiap edisi saya akan memberi profil strategi, konsep, atau teori perdagangan baru dan memberi tahu Anda apakah itu menguntungkan atau tidak. W Eekly Report I ma trader teknis, tapi saya tidak terlalu sombong untuk berpikir bahwa fundamental tidak penting. Faktanya adalah, dasar-dasarnya adalah apa yang mendorong teknikal, jadi saya terus mencermati tren besar dan pengumuman berita dan menyusunnya menjadi sebuah laporan. Saya dapat memperhitungkan strategi trading saya. Video Perdagangan Forex Harian Pasar valuta asing secara harfiah tidak tidur, jadi penting bagi Anda untuk tetap berada di atas segala hal setiap hari, saya menyaring semua informasi. Dari hari ke hari, laporan video yang mudah dicerna sehingga Anda bisa meluangkan lebih banyak waktu untuk berdagang dan sedikit waktu untuk menonton berita. Tip, artikel, video, indikator, dan banyak lagi. Banyak anggota secara harfiah membayar 197 sebulan untuk akses ke Situs ini saja, jadi bonus ini mudah bernilai 2.364. Tapi diperingatkan. Ini adalah tawaran Anggota Piagam yang hanya tersedia untuk 500 trader berikutnya yang mendaftar. Jadi, jika Anda mengklik tombol di bawah ini dan temukan bahwa penawaran ini telah dikembalikan kembali ke Tarif lama, jangan surp Bangkit dan tidak menganggapnya sebagai kesalahan teknis Ini berarti bahwa kita bertemu dengan tujuan anggota baru kita dan sekali lagi kembali ke tingkat lama. Waktu Sangat Banyak Dari Intisari. Saya tidak dapat menekan kepekaan waktu terhadap tawaran ini. Tidak hanya akan Keanggotaan 500 Charter cepat berlalu pada saat mana diskon 200 akan kedaluwarsa, namun yang lebih penting peluang trading gap Forex berikutnya kurang dari satu minggu lagi Dan percayalah, Anda tidak ingin melewatkannya. Klik di Add To Tombol keranjang di bawah ini untuk bergabung sekarang untuk mendapatkan akses instan ke Formula Keuntungan Forex DAN Sinyal Keuntungan Forex hanya 197. Cobalah Formula Keuntungan Forex. PS Karena sensitivitas waktu situasi, Anda akan menerima versi digital Forex Gap Trading Serta semua sistem perdagangan lain yang dirujuk di atas segera mengikuti pesanan Anda, jadi Anda hanya perlu beberapa detik untuk mengakses informasi penting ini. CLICK HERE SEKARANG untuk mendapatkan akses langsung ke Formula Laba Forex. PPSI menyadari bahwa Anda mungkin masih memiliki beberapa pertanyaan S, jadi saya telah diposting beberapa yang paling sering ditanyakan bersama dengan jawaban mereka di bawah ini. QI tidak pernah diperdagangkan pasar Forex Apakah Forex Profit Formula masih untuk saya. Sebuah Formula Laba Forex diciptakan dengan pemula serta pedagang berpengalaman Dalam pikiran Dengan manual Forex Profit Formula, pemula akan mempelajari semua hal yang perlu mereka ketahui tentang pasar forex untuk memulai trading berjam-jam, dan trader berpengalaman dapat terjun ke salah satu dari tiga sistem dan mulai menguntungkan IMMEDIATELY. QI telah mendengar Forex lebih berisiko. Daripada pasar lain seperti saham dan futures Jika saya pemula sebaiknya saya hindari Forex. A Mari kita dapatkan satu hal langsung disini dan sekarang semua bentuk trading secara inheren berisiko Jika Anda menginginkan return yang terjamin mendapatkan pekerjaan. Sedangkan untuk Forex menjadi Lebih berisiko daripada mengatakan saham, misalnya, inilah cerita cepat yang mungkin Anda anggap bermanfaat. Saya memiliki dua teman baik yang merupakan pedagang saham profesional Orang-orang ini tidak bekerja rata-rata dari hari kerja. S Level 2 quotes Lightning-fast executions Interns yang membawa mereka kopi sehingga mereka tidak perlu meninggalkan komputer mereka. Hal yang lucu adalah, mereka melihat saya seperti saya gila untuk perdagangan mata uang karena Forex terlalu berisiko. Pada saat yang sama, mereka kembali mandi saat hadi yang ada yaitu Enron, WorldCom dan Global Melt Down menabrak kipas angin untuk tidak menyebutkan patung sesekali dan perumahan yang juga memiliki cara untuk mengguncang pasar saham. Tidak, terima kasih. Dengan Forex, Karena itu kekuatan pasar normal yang mendorong volatilitas, sistem perdagangan teknis tidak hanya lebih akurat, tapi juga bertahan dalam periode waktu yang lebih lama. Q Tapi bagaimana dengan semua volatilitas itu? Benarkah Forex lebih mudah berubah? Daripada pasar lain. Pedagang yang takut volatilitas hampir sama buruknya dengan peselancar yang tidak bisa berenang. Anda lihat, sama seperti peselancar yang membutuhkan gelombang MASSIVE untuk mencapai hasil terbaik, trader membutuhkan gerakan MASSIVE jika mereka akan mengekstrak keuntungan besar dari Pasar Sementara itu mungkin untuk membuat keuntungan mengambil keuntungan kecil selama pasar sideways, kebanyakan pedagang akan mengatakan kepada Anda bahwa peluang keuntungan utama datang saat pergerakan besar. Ambil langkah besar ini misalnya. Jelas jika Anda tahu apa yang Anda lakukan, Anda tidak perlu banyak Bergerak seperti ini setiap bulan untuk menghasilkan pendapatan yang sangat bagus Tapi sekali lagi, jika Anda ingin mendapatkan keuntungan dari pergerakan besar seperti ini, Anda memerlukan volatilitas. Berapa banyak uang yang harus saya mulai trading. Sebagian besar broker akan mengizinkan Anda untuk memulai trading dengan Jumlah serendah 500 Ingatlah bahwa memulai dengan modal perdagangan rendah dapat membuat Anda merasa kurang beruntung karena Anda hanya bisa melakukan perdagangan forex dengan ukuran lot lot yang kecil Kami merekomendasikan untuk memulai dengan modal 2.000-5.000 USD atau kereta api di akun Demo untill you are satisfied with the performance. Q Is it hard to learn and implement your Forex Profit Formula trading systems. A No Most people who invest in the Forex Profit Formula system start trading the same day they get it Some even within minutes. Q Does the strategy cover currency pairs other than EUR USD. A The strategy has been designed to be useful for trading any major currency pair such as EUR USD, GBP USD, USD JPY, USD CHF etc The examples are mostly EUR USD, however our forex strategy can be easily applied to any other currency pair We do recommend that you stick with the major pairs, however. Q Can I use the signals for intraday trading. A Our systems are designed to be traded on the daily and weekly time-frames which is how you re able to profit in as little as 20 minutes a day Remember that with trading, less is more You don t need to put on dozens of trades a day to be profitable when you know how to put on the RIGHT trades. Q Where can I get the price data and charts to trade your systems. A In the Forex Profit Formula , we show you how you can access the exact same charting platform we use for free. Q What kind of Internet connection and computer hardware do I need. A Although it is possible to successfully trade using a re gular phone line connection, we recommend you to use either Cable or DSL Internet service if it is available in your area Since our systems trade on the daily and weekly time frames, however, the speed of your Internet connection isn t as crucial as with other trading methods. Q Do you provide customer support. A Of course We would never just sell you something and then leave you hanging Feel free to contact us any time you have questions or concerns. Q What if I m not happy with the Forex Profit Formula. A It s a COMPLETELY RISK-FREE INVESTMENT 100 Money-Back Guarantee Access the entire system today, if during the next 30 days of your purchase you are not satisfied for ANY reason, we will refund your payment in full no questions asked. Keep in mind, however, that the Forex Profit Formula is made up of not one but THREE trading systems, so chances are very good you ll be happy with at least one if not all three systems. Q Can your methods become outdated. A These systems are what as known as evergreen systems , meaning they re based on time-tested and proven fundamental market factors Unlike a lot of trading systems that are based purely on technical indicators that can stop working for unknown reasons , we know exactly why our systems work the way they do That said, we are continually testing and tweaking our methods, and you re entitled to free upgrades for life. As you can see, the Forex Profit Formula is perfect whether you re a beginner or an advanced trader So what are you waiting for If you re ready to begin profiting TODAY from the comfort of your very own home, simply click the button below to get started. CLICK HERE NOW for immediate access to the Forex Profit Formula. Have you ever suspected there was a secret about money that was intentionally being kept from you just one trick, that if you knew it, could make all your dreams of financial success come true. Have you believed in the legend that a handful of powerful TITANS run the World inside a secret society with a secret code. Ever wondered how they got there and why you were never even given a chance. Have you ever felt like the traditional financial markets like stocks, bonds and commodities are just rackets, cooked-up by the phony, money grubbing Wall Street fat cats, designed to screw the average Joe out of his life savings, all for the almighty dollar. Read on and you ll find you re REAL close. The 3 Billion Dollar a Day Money Drip. Are you ready to be let in on the secret, or The Code the Real Men of Power have guarded for decades The men who Control The World s Entire Money System. The story I m about to tell you will blow the top off the biggest of the big, the Federal Reserve banks, and their once illegal insider SCAM. It will shock you, impress you and perhaps even sicken you to your stomach for three big reasons. REASON 1 The sheer enormity of it You re about to uncover where the real power and money lies in the world economy and how the ALL the World s stock markets only represents 5 of th e total wealth. REASON 2 The secrecy of it Until VERY recently you weren t even allowed to play in this game It was reserved for big wigs and fat cat politicians, and they are ALREADY trying to close the door again before you can even get started. REASON 3 The profits made from it Imagine, Trillions of dollars changing hands millions of times a day What if there was a way for computers to just shave off fractions of cents from lots of transactions and deposit it in your bank account. That system exists today, but only a handful of people know about it, until now. Bear with me, this is about to get good. WARNING If You re Not Ready To Make Your LIFETIME Retirement Screw You Money Then You Shouldn t Read Any Further. This is NOT for the faint of heart, and if you came here looking for a way to make a few extra bucks, this ain t for you Go Away. This is the big-boys game and it s exciting, bloody and laced with more money than you can ever imagine Seriously. If you have a weak heart or a poor con stitution, go on back to eTrade and buy a few more shares of whatever dog crap they were pumping on CNN today, and live the so-called American Dream whatever that is. But if you want to experience REAL wealth just once in your lifetime, then listen close. I m not talking little money, either I m talking BIG MONEY the kind of money that allows you to say Screw you to anything you don t want to do. The kind of money that lets you. Live in houses with more bathrooms than people. Travel by private jet. Stay in 2000 a night hotel rooms. Drive cars that stock market suckers can only dream of. Buy you wife expensive gifts for no reason. Spend money on yourself guilt free. If you have the stones for it, then read this entire letter, print it out then read it again. Now let s get the BS out of the way. The Stock Market is a LIE, a Red Herring For Suckers. Do you realize how the stock market really works You may think you do but I ll bet you re not even close, even if you invest in itpanies don t EARN money any more at least not enough to feed the greed of Wall Street. It goes like this Companies on the NYSE and the NASDAQ need to grow 15-20 every single year to get noticed, but most of the time they can t grow that fast so they simply BUY fake growth. It s A Giant Game of 3 Card Monte Where the Only Sucker Is YOU. They hire an M A Company Mergers and Acquisitions to find them businesses to buy to meet their numbers The M A suits go out and buy companies WHOLESALE for 3X 4X their annual earnings All in all, a pretty fair price. Then they clean up the books, kick out the founders and install some more Wall Street piranhas to run the place, so the public companies can roll them right in FAST. The Inside Job. Then they re-sell the private companies to publicly traded firms for 8X 10X annual earnings In other words, they re able to flip a company and make 300 on their investment Not a bad profit for 6-12 months works. But I know what you re thinking. Why would any smart public companies be such suckers and pay 8X 10X for a company that earlier in the year was just purchased for 3X 4X. Last Step The Dump. It s simple they already have a MUCH BIGGER sucker waiting to pay 20X 30X earnings for the exact same company so they INSTANTLY triple their money too, but with bigger ZEROS. So who s that sucker I m referring to. The sucker is YOU, the average stock market investor. The minute these companies add new acquisitions into their books, it s INSTANTLY worth 20X -30X earnings That s what public companies usually trade for. Tada Fake growth Feel sick yet. Here is how it breaks down. MORE BAD NEWS If you do the math, which most don t, you d see it would take you the retail stock holder 30 years just to break even. Oh, by the way most of these companies don t make it 30 years. This is a one way trip down suckers ally. But it s not your fault. You ve been sold this lie all your life, and until just now I bet no one had explained how the process actually worked. But now you do know, and the reality is when you buy stock RETAIL through a broker you re paying as much as 10 TIMES what the company is really worth. This is how the stock market works This is why the fat cats on Wall Street get so fat and if you think it s going to change you re kidding yourself. How does that make you feel. You Can Either Get Rich With The Insiders or Stay Poor With EVERYBODY Else. It never ceases to amaze me I have friends who stay at home all day, and watch CNN, MSNBC, Fox news and Bloomberg waiting for some phony baloney Wall Street insider to tell them which stocks they should buy today. Oh my God, are we really that stupid as a people Why do you think that guy is on TV telling you to buy the stock that he owns To drive up the value that s why. So how did I get turned on to all this. How a Flat Broke Boy From Snook, Texas Snuck Inside The Biggest Money Circle In The World. I was NEVER a threat to these guys. In short, I got in through a college friend whose dad w as a LOADED insider I was just a kid but I wasn t stupid. These guys control the entire worlds money system and their world is rife with secrecy, cloak and dagger politics and backroom deals that would make a Washington politician blush. Most are 3rd and 4th generation money grubbers, and they really don t know any other way The rich truly do get richer, because they would NEVER give a commoner like you or I a chance, and they NEVER share how they do it. That s the secret code. But I cracked the code Earning the trust of just one insider, I learned how the whole thing works, and here s the kicker they really didn t seem to care that I knew. Because I was just this broke kid from Texas, and I could NEVER play in their world In fact they had LAWS that kept people like me and you out. Then SUDDENLY that all changed. On May 1, 1998 This MEGA Secret Alternative Market Quietly Opened To the Public. This market the uber rich use to grow their fortunes is 50X Bigger Than The NYSE and The NASDAQ Combin ed and It s 1000x Faster Easier To Make Money From For Beginners One weeks volume in this GIANT is equal to a years volume in the NYSE. For lack of a better term, these guys buy and sell Countries. Ok, so they don t actually buy countries, but they do trade in the currencies of those countries which is the life essence of any nation. Here s what I mean. POP QUIZ Do you know what this is. Of course you think you know, It s a dollar bill stupid. But in reality, it functions more like a stock certificate for one share of ownership of The United States of America. Unlike stocks, this dollar is worth somewhere between 98 and 110 the assumed and potential assets at any given time. Why Because it s cash. Cash is a VERY Safe Investment. First, it s 100 liquid. There is almost ALWAYS an instantaneous buyer for CASH, because there s a market that trades in it every hour of almost every day. But until 1998, little guys like you and I weren t allowed to play there. But on May 1, 1998, regulations passed that o pened this market to the public and now you and I are free to trade and profit just like the fat cats of old. But Why Currencies. There are three big reasons you should trade and invest in currencies. Reason 1 Currencies are Better Than Stocks. Like I said before the currency market trades a larger volume than any other market in the world The stock market trades roughly 10 billion in volume a day That s not bad at all, but it isn t even 1 of what the currency market trades daily. The currency market trades an average of 1 8 TRILLION dollars of currency a day No other market in the world comes remotely close to this figure. Reason 2 Why Currencies are Better Than Stocks. No Enron, no WorldCom, no Tyco These currencies are based on the strength of an entire nation s economy, not the reports of one company This doesn t mean there isn t risk every market has risk and currencies no exception, but usually stable countries don t fall overnight. I had a friend who went to college, got into stock trad ing, and had a personal stock portfolio worth six figures by the time he was only 27 Not bad But almost all of it was McCloud, Enron, and MCI WorldCom. Nearly overnight his small fortune was worth less than 20,000.All because of false stock reports from CEOs This can t happen in the currencies. Currency trading has risks like anywhere else, but one corrupt CEO is not one of them. Reason 3 Why Currencies are Better Than Stocks. There s always action Unlike the stock market, which has a daily close, the currency market is open every day except Saturday. There is only one close in the currency for an entire week, meaning almost any day, any time, you have the ability to trade. and CASH always has a value unlike stocks. I m not saying it s impossible for a currency to lose ALL it s value, but ask yourself when has it ever happened. Even when Iceland got into major trouble and went broke, the world stepped in bailed them and their currency out. So as long as you only trade in larger, more established countries your chance of watching your investment drop to 0 is much less than in the stock market. Good news is the best trading is in the 7 biggest countries or the G7.O P M Other Peoples Money. Let s talk about leverage for a minute. Have you ever heard of stock accounts that trade on something called margin. That s where you can put up 1000 let s say, a control 1,500 for the stock, pretty cool huh. Brokerage houses do this because they figure that in any given day the price of the stock is not going to go down by more than a third or so, so it s a pretty safe bet and the broker charges the trader INTEREST on the borrowed money he s trading. In the currency markets, brok erage houses commonly give traders 50 to 1 margin accounts, INTEREST FREE why do you think that is. Because the market rarely moves more than a few percentage points in any given day. And remember, we re skimming fractions of cents from these trades. And if you re in another country outside the US, or if your broker is outside the US these margins often go up to as high as 200 or 300 to 1.So it s not uncommon for you to be able to put 100 of your own money in your account and be trading 3000- 10,000 of somebody else s money and the super groovy part is you can never lose any more than you the amount you have in your account. How s that for leverage. How George Soros and Warren Buffet are Using Currency Trading for Good and In Some Opinions Evil. You ve heard of George Soros He is I believe, the single largest contributor to Liberal political organizations and the Democratic Party in the United States. His political action committee PAC was the single biggest contributor to the success of Bara ck Obama winning the White House. He s using his billions of dollars to push his liberal agenda down the throats of other common American citizens. So how did Soros make all of his money Well he made 1 billion of it in ONE DAY in the currencies market I ll tell you that story later. How about Warren Buffett of Berkshire Hathaway, bet you ve heard of him. Now before you get started you probably save yourself. Warren Buffett makes a lot of money in the stock market, right. The answer is, absolutely, but not buying stocks in the sucker way that you do Buffett buys WHOLE companies, and then sells them to you as stockholders in Berkshire Hathaway, at full retail. He is on the WHOLESALE side of the stock game. 294 Currency Million Gain in Just 90 Days. What most people don t know is that Buffett s company recently reported a 294 million gain in one quarter as result of its currency trading operation. To put that in perspective, that s more money than Sports Illustrated s top 10 Athletes earned COMBINED. You think there s something to this currency trading business. Zero Decision Making is Required. Better still, rules and the system make all the decisions for you so there s no emotion or daily stress. And you can run MULTIPLE systems at the same time, I personally trade 3 every day, so I really stabilize my results. I know people who trade 20 systems or more simultaneously, like a table full of bingo cards These guys are animals, I simply don t like working that much I ve gotten a little lazy. I Quit My Job and Now I Finish Work Most Days by Breakfast From Home. Can you imagine, you wake up in the morning when you want to, you open up your computer, pick out what you want to do today, and put your system in place. You re done for the day, that was tough, the system does all the work. That s how I live every day Nine days of 10, I m completely done with my work day before I have breakfast, and I can spend my day any way I want to. This suits me very well because I travel quite a lot these days In the fall my wife and I rented a house in Costa Rica and sta y there for a month. Have your been on vacation for a month. If not I highly recommend it. To be honest I wasn t completely on vacation I still worked every day, but just like when I m at home, I was done by breakfast. That s the other super cool part of this business I can work from any place in the world that has an Internet connection, even from her cruise ship although the internet rates are pretty high. Plus, when people asked me today what I do for a living and I say I m an international currency trader I love the look on her face. For one I know they re impressed, this is a very James Bond job. Even funnier, no matter what they re saying, I know in the back of their mind they re thinking Man, I wish I knew what that meant. This is a COOL industry and it s pretty darn easy. Why OBAMA-Care, China and Ben Berneke Have Created a Currency War. YOU Can Profit From Right Now. There is one major disadvantage to the foreign currency market When the economy is stable, there s no major change going o n in the world, and we re all pretty much at a level playing field. When that happens, admittedly this market can be pretty boring. Fortunately, the world is anything but stable especially for those of us in the US. And here are three big reasons opportunity abounds in currencies. 1 Obama care has made the US dollar very unstable In short, the rest of the world doesn t know if we can pay the bill for all of Obama s social programs, so understandably the dollar s value is low and going lower. If you re an average American, and especially if you re a business owner, this is a big problem because inflation runs rampant and your buying power gets slashed. But for those of us in the know , we can actually profit in these uncertain times while our neighbors sit on the sidelines in a constant state of impotence and desperation. We can also hedge and protect our other investments by. Large volatility in the market gives us good setups for breakouts. This is the Poke Pivot and you get it as a FREE bonus. 2 China has done everything they can over the past few years to artificially lower the value of its currency to make its goods sell better globally. This sort of tinkering really makes their currency predictable, especially 4 times a month. Announcements over the weekend and China s banks opening hours before our US banks can cause large gaps in price. This system is called the Golden Gap and you get it too. 3 The Federal Reserve chief Ben Berneke is doing everything he can with interest rates to slow inflation in the United States, while managing to pay back the US debt with dollars of lesser value. New announcements from the Federal Reserve and other government agency can and do cause large moves in the Forex market We use the Movers strategy to grab those moves. See why we call it BigFoot You get this full system too. Are you ready to. You ll Drip Cash Out Of Their Pockets So Slowly They Won t Even Notice. The real secret is flying under the radar. By siphoning off just pennies per trade in a multi-trillion dollar market your little blip will never make the radar screen of the big boys, but could make you a small fortune. I m not kidding here You literally can t wrap your mind around how many billions of dollars, yen, Swiss francs and British pounds change hands every single day in this swirling money circus. I know at least 100 people who make a full-time living trading currencies, some make h undreds of thousands of dollars if not millions of dollars per year working from their homes or the neighborhood coffee shop, totally unnoticed. Coffee Shop Millionaires. Ever gone to Starbucks and see those guys with fancy laptop computers at 11 o clock in the morning Do you ever wonder what they re doing for a living. Are you especially curious when I walk outside and get inside 90,000 BMW. There s no way to know for sure, but I would bet some of those people are my friends, and fellow currency traders. This is a lifestyle business of the sort you can only imagine. How Would an Extra 10,000 a Month Change Your Life. Have you ever thought about how just an extra 10,000 a month could completely change your life. I m not talking about another 10,000 a month that you have to get a second job for and work an extra 40 hours a week for I m talking about passive income. Would it be enough for you to retire on. I don t know, that s personal, but I can assure you this, in almost every situation, it woul d make life a lot more livable. I heard this line in a movie once. There s only two ways son, you better get busy living or get busy dying. Sadly today, I think there are far more people sitting around just waiting to die than are people actually living life. Spending their lives in cubicles at dead end jobs. It doesn t have to be this way, I m not gonna give you some pep talk or a woo-woo solution to your problem, here s a fact that Napoleon Hill made clear his famous book the average. No man can achieve any level of success in his life until the first overcomes his fear of poverty. I hope those were struck you as hard as they struck me the first time I read them. Listen, scared money has never won anything. Now is the time to get off that treadmill and start building something for yourself or change. Whether you re just starting out in your career, or you given your entire life, or the best years of it to a company that under appreciates you, under pays you, and has built a glass ceiling over your head. This is YOUR time to shine. You Can t Put The Crap Back in The Horse. The world is changing, globalization is happening there s absolutely no stopping it. Technology is replacing people and entire industries are disappearing overnight, there has never been a more uncertain time. But there s also never been more amazing time of opportunity. Many people becoming virtually extinct over the next few years while others will profit wildly, you have to decide which one you will be. It s as simple as a choice, be a prisoner or be free. Have You Ever Experienced a TOTALLY Free Lifestyle. I am a totally free man Man does that ever feel good to say. I don t know if you can imagine right now having the ability to make your own choices, the get up and go to bed when you want, to work when you want to play when you want to and do exactly what makes you happy every single player life, if you can t you need to start. In my experience there are only two things people really want, fame or money. I don t know about you, but if given the choice between rich and famous I ll take rich all day long and twice on Sunday. The last thing I want to be in the current political climate is to be perceived as famously rich. I just like rich. As international currency trader, I have a lot of advantages. My Lifestyle ROCKS. Advantage Number One The currency market is open 24 hours a day Five days a week so I can trade any time I want to so I set my own hours When I first started out, I only traded at night and on the weekends, and sometimes early in the morning before I went to my job as an insurance adjuster YUCK. Advantage Number Two Everything I do is on the Internet, so like I said before I can work from anywhere in the world, so no matter where I m traveling, and for whatever reason, I have the ability to earn money for me and my family I don t know about you, but with the current political climate, being able to be portable is extremely important to me. Advantage Number Three I have the ability to cash out a seconds notice, this is without question the most liquid market in the world, there s always a buyer for cash I never worried about being stuck without a buyer for positions, this is a clear distinguishing factor between the currency market and the stock market. Advantage Number Four This one may not sound as exciting to you but it s a giant benefit to me Since becoming an international currency trader I feel like I have a greater understanding of how the world works than anyone else that I know Honestly, it s like having your eyes opened to something that 99 99 of people don t ever see I really can t explain it but what happens to you it will be awesome. Advantage Number Five I ve learned an amazing skill to teach my children, this is the real way that wealth is passed down, not necessarily through money but through knowledge Can you imagine a greater gift that you give your children the ability to always be able to earn a living, whether they have jobs or not, whether the economy sucks or not, whether we have great political leaders or total idiots. These are just a few of the reasons that I m a professional international currency trader, and why you should really consider becoming one. Currency Trading Has Worked For 10,000 years and Will Surely Will Last Out Your Lifetime and That of Your Children and Grand Children. I would love to tell you that you just stumbled across some brand-new way to make money, passively, over and over again even in your sleep but that would be a lie. Truth is there is nothing new about the system, the same systems that are being traded today, have been traded for years by banks and financial institutions, and it literally made billions. The two big breakthroughs here are. Access The fact that now you as an individual trader can participate in international currency markets, right from your PC or Mac You can open an account for as little as 100, and be trading is much as 1000 10,000 in a matter of minutes. Systems costs The systems that financial institutions have been buying for years to trade currencies, cost millions of dollars, took years to develop, and had to be ran on giant mainframe computers that cost 250,000 apiece themselves That s a ll changed. Today, virtually all currency trading systems could be ran from a common laptop and because there are now thousands of currency traders versus a handful before the cost of trading systems has come down sharply, costing anywhere from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars for the same technology multibillion dollar traders. You might be disappointed to learn that all this is not that new, but you should look at in a different way It s proven It works and big companies have been making billions of dollars from it for years. Now it s your turn. Are You Ready For The Exact FORMULA I Use It Can Be On Your Computer Screen in The Next 7 Minutes. Okay, I rattled on long enough By now you probably already made a choice of whether or not you want to join me as an international currency trader, am I right. If so, I got some great news for you. You can have my very best systems, and software and tools delivered directly to your computer screen within the next 7 min. So Why Would I Sha re My Best Currency Trading Systems With You. For the longest time I only traded these systems in my own account It s not that I was unwilling to share my secrets, it s just that I never really saw the point I m a trader, not a marketer and I was happy making money just DOING instead of TEACHING, but in the last 24 -36 months everything changed. When I started, there was very little information available about currency trading Stock and commodity trading has been popular for decades, but currencies remained in relative obscurity. And the information that was out there was either incorrect, incomplete, or it was just a re-hash of basic trading strategies that have existed in the stock and commodities markets No one even tested them to make sure those strategies actually applied in the currency market. But I didn t totally lose heart I purchased one course after another, each time hoping I would learn something valuable Each time, however, I was disappointed. All the Other Courses Were Hogwas h. To put it kindly, I was PISSED OFF. Heck, I can do better than this I said. That s when I decided to publish my Forex Profit Formula. I wanted to offer an alternative to all the lies and scams being sold on the Internet. I wanted to offer SOMETHING THAT ACTUALLY WORKED something that was proven through years of real-world testing and not just hyped up theory that some wannabee guru thought should work. And so that s just what I did. I ve Packaged Three of My Best Currency Trading Systems Into One Package So You Can Start Making Money With Confidence TODAY. These systems aren t theories or good ideas I think should work. These are tested and proven TRADING SYSTEMS that do work. And when I say trading system I mean they come with ultra-specific rules such as. WHEN you should get into a trade. WHEN you should get out of a trade. WHERE you should place your stops so you can protect yourself should things not go your way and you should know right now that sometimes they don t. In short, there s no room for error because I show you EXACTL Y how you need to trade if you want to make money. I don t care how green you are after you go through my Forex Profit Formula you will know how to trade currencies. And here s exactly how you ll do it. The Secret To Profiting In Any Market, No Matter the Conditions. Ask any professional trader and they ll tell you that the market moves in only one of three ways. To successfully trade the currencies or any market for that matter , you must be able to profit in BOTH up and down markets and AVOID the sideways markets altogether. That s exactly what the three 3 proprietary trading systems in my Forex Profit Formula allow you to do. Here s how each system works. System 1 Gap Trade the Currencies. What if I told you that this Sunday when the market reopens , you have an opportunity to put on a trade that over the past 9 years has been right 89 1 of the time In other words, this trade is profitable 9 times out of 10.This method of trading is known is Gap Trading , and for decades traders have been us ing gaps to accurately predict short-term movements in virtually every market from stocks to currencies. NOTE A gap is nothing more than a change in price levels between the close and open of two consecutive bars on a chart You can see an example of one of these gaps below. Though rare, gaps in the Currency market do occur In fact, between the four currency pairs that I trade using this system, I ll have around 50 or 60 trades a year so approximately one per week. That may not sound like a lot, but when you re right 9 times out of 10 you don t need a lot of trades to make a lot of money. When one of these gaps occurs, it s a highly-accurate signal that the currency pair is about to reverse direction In other words, if the price gaps up as in the example below , you would want to sell short If it gaps down , you would want to go long. I realize that may sound counter-intuitive, but by betting against the gap you ll be right 9 times out of 10 And I don t know about you, but that sounds like a pretty safe gamble to me. Locating gaps in the Currency market is easy once you know how, and my report, Gap Trading the Currency Market which is included in the Forex Profit Formula system , will tell you exactly how it s done But obviously trading gaps isn t the only way to make money in the Currencies I ve discovered another method that has the potential to be even more profitable. System 2 Currency Breakout Formula. Imagine what it would be like to receive a private memo 48 to 72 hours before a major currency pair experiences a breakout Do you think you could profit from information like that. NOTE A breakout is when a currency value rapidly jumps to a new high or falls to a new low, creating a window of opportunity where massive profits can be achieved. While I can t promise you that the pairs themselves will call and give you a heads up , I can show you a chart pattern I have discovered that is so accurate at predicting major breakouts you ll feel like you have your own crystal ball. But this more than just a breakout detection system This pattern can also help you determine your. Entry Price. Exit Price, and even. Stop-Loss Placement. before the breakout even occurs So you can literally set your trade, walk away and check in later to see how much money you ve made. No analyzing charts for hours on end to find the perfect pattern. No jumping into big breakouts at the last minute when it s too late and all the profits are gone , and. No more guessing when you should exit out of the trade. Once you discover this secret pattern , you ll finally be able to trade with confidence, have more fun, and see REAL GAINS in your account For example, looking at the chart below, would you know what your next move should be. Using the Pivot Reversal pattern you ll learn about in this report, I can literally tell within seconds EXACTLY where I should place my entry, exit and stop loss In fact, this one play above earned me 142 pips or 1,420 USD just this last November, and the one you see b elow earned me 92 pips 920 USD All in a matter of days. It s not magic or voodoo the chart pattern told me what was going to happen a day in advance, so I had more than enough time to react If all this still seems confusion to you or if you can t see the chart pattern I m referring to, don t worry I explain this trading strategy in a special report, Currency Breakout Formula How To Predict Breakouts in the Currency Market Days Before they Actually Occur. and best of all you ll also receive this report as a part of my Forex Profit Formula. System 3 Mega Market Movers. In less than 30 days, the U S government will release a report that could make a handful of traders very rich very quickly. But I must warn you This trading strategy is not for the faint of heart In fact, I know many fund managers who plan to stop trading their accounts altogether when this announcement hits, because they re afraid of what it could do to an unprotected portfolio. As you know, high returns don t come without a fa ir amount of risk, but as long as you re willing to accept some of that risk then you have what it takes to be a part of this inner circle. Announcements like the one that is happening next month aren t new In fact, governments all around the world regularly publish economic reports and other financial news that The Street uses to determine the strength or weakness of the particular country s economy. And while most of these announcements are fairly benign, a few of them and one in particular that you ll learn about in the Forex Profit Formula can drastically effect the value of a particular currency pair in a VERY short period of time As you might imagine, these price swings create a FEEDING FRENZY for traders who want in on the action. In fact, one such feeding frenzy occurred back in June Just look at the results. That s a 76 pip move in only 2 minutes. In other words, if you were on the right side of this trade you could have earned 760 while investing only 1000 in about the same amount of time it takes you to brush your teeth in the morning And as you would expect, the more you invest the more money you can make. Big moves like these have happened before, and they WILL happen again So far the largest one I ve personally witnessed was a 104 pip move in under 3 minutes. And the next one is less than 30 days away. Obviously if you re on the right side of one of these mega moves , the profit potential is HUGE Especially when you consider the ultra-short time-frame If you re on the wrong side, however, it could take you months or even years to recover. That s why it s essential that you. Know what announcements and news events you should trade and which ones you should avoid, PLUS. Know how to put on the trade so that you profit no matter how the news is received. I hope you caught that last point because it s a biggie. You see, a lot of people who try to trade these news events think you need to accurately predict how the news will be received before you can place your trade. Le t me tell you, that s absolute trading suicide. Just imagine if the 79 pip example above moved against YOU How badly would that hurt. No, if you want to play this game to win, then you need to first learn the rules That s where my in-depth research report comes in handy. It s called Mega Market Movers How To Profit at the Speed of the News, and in it I profile the biggest market movers of all and how to trade them without losing your shirt. This trading opportunity happens early next month, and if you want to be ready in time you need to act fast So let me show you how you can get INSTANT ACCESS to this report and the entire Forex Profit Formula right now. The Forex Profit Formula Kit Comes With Everything You Need To Start Trading Today. Getting Started Manual The Forex Profit Formula. This 77 page manual will teach you the ins and outs of the currency market You ll want to read it before attempting to trade any of the core systems below. System Report 1 Gap Trading the Forex. This forgotten t rading strategy is RIGHT 89 1 of the time Some traders don t even think Gap Trading works in the Currencies, and the ones who do still trade it wrong You ll get all the details, though, including my tested and proven entries and exits, and the exact pairs I trade. System Report 2 Currency Breakout Formula. This crystal ball will allow you to predict massive moves in the Currencies market DAYS before they actually occur If you don t currently have a breakout system in your trading portfolio , this is a great place to begin. System Report 3 Mega Market Movers. This news announcement only occurs once a month, but when traded correctly one trade can literally yield THOUSANDS of dollars in profit That said, the reverse is also true, so you shouldn t attempt to trade this major announcement unless you know what you re doing. Normally each trading system sells by itself for 197 but you can get all three 3 PLUS the Forex Profit Formula manual for the less than the cost of just one of the systems Tw o Payments of 97.BAD NEWS This Secret Back Door To The Circle of Trust Will Be Closed To You VERY, VERY, Soon. BAD NEWS This Secret Back Door To The Circle of Trust Will Be Closed To You VERY, VERY, Soon. I can t stress the time-sensitiveness of this offer enough. Not only will the 500 Charter Memberships go quickly at which point the 200 discount will expire , but more important the next Currency gap trading opportunity is less than one week away And trust me, you don t want to miss it. Click on the Add To Cart button below to join now to get instant access to Forex Profit Formula for Risk-Free for just Two Payments of 97.The Complete Forex Profit Formula System. Charter Members Get INSTANT ACCESS To. My Forex Profit Formula Manual. My Gap Trading the Forex System. My Currency Breakout Formula. My Mega Market Movers System. and much, MUCH more. Price Today Two Payments of 197 147.Only Two Payments of 97.NOTICE Due to the time-sensitivity of the situation, you will receive a digital version of Ga p Trading as well as all the other trading systems referenced above immediately following your order, so you re just seconds away from accessing this crucial information. CLICK HERE NOW for immediate access to the Forex Profit Formula. Go Ahead, Ask Me Some Questions These People Did. Q I have never traded the Currency market Is the Forex Profit Formula still for me. A Absolutely The ForexProfit Formula was created with beginners as well as experienced traders in mind With the Forex Profit Formula manual, beginners will learn everything they need to know about the Currency market to start trading within hours, and experienced traders can dive into one of the three systems and start profiting IMMEDIATELY. Q I ve heard the Currenciesis riskier than other markets such as stocks and futures If I m a beginner should I avoid the Currencies. A Let s get one thing straight right here and now all forms of trading are inherently risky If you want a guaranteed return get a job. As for Currencies being m ore risky than say stocks, for example, here s a quick story that you may find helpful. I have two good friends who are professional stock traders These guys aren t your average, work-from-home day-traders They re pros Level 2 quotes Lightning-fast executions. Interns that bring them coffee so they don t have to leave their computers The works. The funny thing is, they look at me like I m insane for trading currencies because the Currencies is too risky. At the same time, they re taking a bath when the proverbial h that is Enron, WorldCom and Global Crossing hit the fan not to mention the occasional and housing busts that also have a way of rocking the stock markets No thank you. With the Currencies, since it s normal market forces that are driving the volatility, technical trading systems are not only more accurate, but they also hold up over a longer period of time. Q But what about all that volatility Isn t it true that the Currencies is more volatile than other markets A Traders who fear volatility is almost as bad as surfers who can t swim. You see, just like surfers need MASSIVE waves to achieve the best possible results, traders need MASSIVE movements if they re going to extract big profits from the markets. And while it is possibly to make profits taking small gains during sideways markets, most traders will tell you that the major profit opportunities come during big moves. Take this big move for example. Obviously if you know what you re doing, you don t need many moves like these each month to make a very nice income But again, if you want to profit from massive moves like this, you need volatility. Q How much money do I need to start trading A Most brokers will allow you to start trading with an amount as low as 500 Remember that starting out with low trading capital may put you at disadvantage because you will only be able to trade currencies in small share lot sizes We recommend to start with capital of 2,000-5,000 USD or train on a Demo account untill you are sa tisfied with the performance. Q Is it hard to learn and implement your Forex Profit Formula trading systems A No Most people who invest in the Forex Profit Formula system start trading the same day they get it Some even within minutes. Q What kind of Internet connection and computer hardware do I need A Although it is possible to successfully trade using a regular phone line connection, we recommend you to use either Cable or DSL Internet service if it is available in your area Since our systems trade on the daily and weekly time frames, however, the speed of your Internet connection isn t as crucial as with other trading methods. Q Do you provide customer support A Of course We would never just sell you something and then leave you hanging Feel free to contact us any time you have questions or concerns. Q What if I m not happy with the Forex Profit Formula A It s a COMPLETELY RISK-FREE INVESTMENT 100 Money-Back Guarantee Access the entire system today, if during the next 45 days of your p urchase you are not satisfied for ANY reason, we will refund your payment in full no questions asked. Keep in mind, however, that the Forex Profit Formula is made up of not one but THREE trading systems, so chances are very good you ll be happy with at least one if not all three systems. Q Can your methods become outdated A These systems are what as known as evergreen systems , meaning they re based on time-tested and proven fundamental market factors Unlike a lot of trading systems that are based purely on technical indicators that can stop working for unknown reasons , we know exactly why our systems work the way they do That said, we are continually testing and tweaking our methods, and you re entitled to free upgrades for life. As you can see, the Forex Profit Formula is perfect whether you re a beginner or an advanced trader So what are you waiting for If you re ready to begin profiting TODAY from the comfort of your very own home, simply click the button below to get started. CLICK H ERE NOW for immediate access to the Forex Profit Formula. Your Summit Awaits You. P S I want to close this letter with a WARNING Someday very soon your life could change or more likely BE changed dramatically by changes in the economy, world politics, or catastrophic event You need to ask yourself right now, are you prepared if everything you know goes away tomorrow. If you answer that question honestly I believe that you have to agree joining me, while you still have a chance, this a smart move. Click the link below right now and let s get started building a new life, a new career, and a new income stream for you to get busy living for a change. P P S Remember, this is not some newfangled get-rich-quick scheme, this is a proven and tested profitable strategy this previously on massive amounts of money for those who could participate My system gives you absolutely everything you need to get started as a professional currency trader It s 100 guaranteed, so if you don t make money it s comple tely free and spots are limited. Those are the facts, and they are not disputed. This is your last chance, join me now are you me will be stuck in the past forever. Click the blue link below right now to get started, I ll see you on the other side. Any income claims are typical of top performers not all users and your results will vary These results are as reported in testimonials from members using the ForexProfitFormula trading systems. U S Government Required Disclaimer Trading foreign exchange on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors The high degree of leverage can work against you as well as for you Before deciding to invest in foreign exchange you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite The possibility exists that you could sustain a loss of some or all of your initial investment and therefore you should not invest money that you cannot afford to lose You should be aware of all the risks associated with foreign exchange trading, and seek advice from an independent financial advisor if you have any doubts. The purchase, sale or advice regarding a currency can only be performed by a licensed Broker Dealer Neither Mr Fielder, nor any of his affiliates or associates involved in the in the production and maintenance of these products or this site, is a registered Broker Dealer or Investment Advisor in any State or Federally-sanctioned jurisdiction All purchasers of products referenced at this site are encouraged to consult with a licensed representative of their choice regarding any particular trade or trading strategy No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed on this website The past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results. Clearly understand this Information contained in this product are not an invitation to trade any specific investments Trading requires risking money in pursuit of future gain That is your decision Do not risk any money you cannot afford to lose This document does not take into account your own individual financial and personal circumstances It is intended for educ ational purposes only and NOT as individual investment advice Do not act on this without advice from your investment professional, who will verify what is suitable for your particular needs 2011.

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